A new survey from Saga Home Insurance shows that 31% of over-50 parents surveyed have adult children living at home who had previously left the nest. I’ve talked before about how the most common reasons for adult children to return home are the end of schooling, a breakup of a live-in relationship or marriage, or a financial crisis like a job loss. Numbers from this survey back that up. Among the findings, as reported by the Telegraph:
- 10 per cent said they had made room for their children to help them cope financially.
- 17 per cent ended up with their offspring back under their roofs after they had gone through divorce or separation.
- 15 per cent of young adults were either unwilling or unable to contribute to the household bills.
- 17 per cent said their children had ended up living with them for more than a year.
You can read an article about the survey on the Telegraph web site here.