Category Archives: Legislation

When can your adult child go back on your insurance plan?

I’ve talked before about some of the issues you should address related to your adult children and insurance. Today I just want to point you to a great article from The Gainesville Sun on the gap in coverage some adult children are facing since they can’t be added back to their parents policies until health plans renew coverage. You can find it here.

Parents' Health Insurance for Adult Children Living at Home

We’ve talked before about legislation in various states that allows parents to keep their dependent adult children on their health insurance.

Here’s an article from the Wall Street Journal that summarizes the various states’ coverage all in one place. If you need to know whether your health insurance could cover your adult child, you should definitely take a look!

Appeal court recognizes parents' home is under their control

The North County Times reported today on a decision from a federal appeals court that has affirmed the right of homeowner parents who live on their property to challenge search warrants served on adult children living at home with them.

The parents’ attorney had this to say about the ruling:

“Parents, you have a privacy interest in the separate areas of your home, even for your adult children who live with you.”

You can read the whole article here.