Canadian contest offers a prize package to get kids out of the nest

adult children living at home contestWell, here’s something interesting.

I should start by saying that has no affiliation with this contest whatsoever — I just thought it was something you all would want to hear about. In fact, I’m definitely interested in knowing what you think.

Here’s the scoop. The Canadian rate-finder website is having a contest for the “Ultimate Mother’s Day Gift.” What’s the prize? A prize package worth about $5,400 designed to help get your adult kid out of your house. They don’t specify what the prize package includes, other than to say it’s “full of grown up goodies” and that it’s designed to “get yourself or your grown child out of the house.”

So, what do you think? Is this really the ultimate Mother’s Day gift? Is $5,400 really enough to get an adult kid out of the house? Will you be entering?

You can find the contest details (and enter, of you’re a Canadian resident and you’re so inclined) here.