Admitting to living at home on a first date may reveal your date does too!

This recent article from the Philadelphia Inquirer profiles a couple of twenty-somethings who were both afraid to reveal that they lived with their parents on their first date. It turned out, of course, that like many of their peers they were both living at home.

It makes for interesting dating scenarios, like this one:

There is also the privacy issue. When [Mike] and [Kelly] cozy up to watch a movie on the weekends, a parent might walk through the TV room. They tell their parents of their whereabouts when going out, something they’d never have to do living on their own. And that spare bedroom in [Mike’s] family’s trilevel in Cherry Hill? That’s where [Kelly] sleeps. “At least, to the best of my knowledge that’s where she sleeps when she comes here,” says Barbara Englisch, Mike’s mother.

Sleepovers are one contentious issue (of many) when adult children live at home. It’s important for all of these issues to be sorted out ahead of time to keep all family members happy with the living arrangement. We explain how to decide what works best for your family at